Dr. 布兰登鹰

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  • 副教授

有Ph值.D. in Medieval Studies from the University of Connecticut (2014), I joined the RIC English Department in 2015. My fields of expertise are Old and Middle English, 古斯堪的那维亚语, history of the English language, 数字人文, Bible as/in literature, 翻译,和 history of the book. Most of my interests in research and teaching encompass what might be called transmission studies: the afterlives of texts, 包括循环, 翻译, 适应, representations in various cultures and media.

我的第一本书, Preaching Apocrypha in Anglo-Saxon England, was published by the University of Toronto Press in 2018, my second book, The 伪马太福音 and the Nativity of Mary, was published by Cascade 书 in 2019. 2021年,我发表了 Apocrypha for Beginners: A Guide to Understanding and Exploring Scriptures Beyond the Bible Rockridge出版社.

I also work on pop culture uses of the Middle Ages and religion. 我写了一篇 件的种类 对于我的网站, 公众中世纪主义者, 极客的力量, 华盛顿邮报》, 谈话. I’ve especially focused some of this work on 星球大战. I’ve recently collaborated with Dot Porter at the University of Pennsylvania on a series of videos titled Sacred Texts: Codices Far, Far Away–all about the connections between 星球大战 and medieval manuscripts. 你可以看到 more about the series here,你可以找到 the playlist for the videos here.

You can learn more about me on my website and blog about teaching and research at http://brandonwhawk.净.



M.A., University of Connecticut

Ph.D., University of Connecticut


“Biblical Apocrypha as Medieval World Literature,” 中世纪地球仪 6.2 (2020): 49-83.

“Versions of the 伪马太福音 in Early England,” 语言学的季度 99 (2020): 245-67.

“Apocrypha and Fictionality,” invited contribution to a forum on “Medieval Fictionalities,” 新文学史 51 (2020): 253-57.

“A History of the Study of Apocrypha in Anglo-Saxon England,” 即将在 Bulletin for the Study of Religion.

“Modelling Medieval Hands: Practical OCR for Caroline Minuscule,” co-authored with Antonia Karaisl and Nick White, 即将在 Digital Humanities Quarterly​.

“Prosthesis: From Grammar to Medicine in the Earliest History of the Word,” Disability Studies Quarterly 38.4 (2018): 这里开放获取

“ 伪马太福音船长规则,和 本笃规则,” Revue本笃会的 128.2 (2018): 281-93.

“ Fifteen Signs before Judgment in Anglo-Saxon England: A Reassessment,” JEGP 117 (2018): 443-57.

“ Literary Contexts and Early Transmission of the Latin 犹大的一生,” Journal of Medieval Religious 文化s 44 (2018): 60-76.

“Ælfric’s Genesis and Bede’s 创世纪注释,” 媒介Æ发誓 85 (2016): 208-16.

“Psalm 151 in Anglo-Saxon England,” Review of English Studies n.s. 66 (2015): 805-21. 

See more about my publications here.​​​​

The 伪马太福音 and the Nativity of Mary, Early Christian Apocrypha Series (Eugene, OR: Cascade 书, forthcoming).

Preaching Apocrypha in Anglo-Saxon England, Toronto Anglo-Saxon Series 30 (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2018).​

Apocrypha for Beginners: A Guide to Understanding and Exploring Scriptures Beyond the Bible (Emeryville, CA: Rockridge Press, 2021).


ENGL 120 Studies in Literature and Identity
ENGL 121 Studies in Literature and Nation
ENGL 122 Studies in Literature and the Canon
ENGL 123 Studies in Literature and Genre
ENGL 200 Reading Literature and 文化
ENGL 205 British Literature to 1700
ENGL 347 Literatures of Medieval Britain
ENGL 345 Shakespeare: Histories and Comedies
ENGL 346 Shakespeare: Tragedies and Romances
ENGL 432 Studies in the English Language
ENGL 460 Seminar in Major Authors & Themes: Medieval Multimedia
ENGL 501 Introduction to Graduate Study
ENGL 530 Topics in British Literature before 1660: Medieval Multimedia